Book Cover

My 2023 Career Wrap Up

My 2023 Career Wrap Up

I’ve been so fortunate to work with incredible people, teams and brands this year and I’m grateful to be doing the kind of work that I’m doing, working on various touch points of the literary, publishing, design, social media, advertising and media industries and loving every minute. So without further ado, a selection of this year’s career highlights.

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Latest Design Project: Exhale

Latest Design Project: Exhale

Thabiso Mahlape of Black Bird Books commissioned me to design the book cover for Black Bird’s latest offering in the way of anthologies, Exhale - a collection of Queer African Erotic Fiction.

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Latest Book Cover: Corridors of Death by Malaika Wa Azania

Latest Book Cover: Corridors of Death by Malaika Wa Azania

I was recently commissioned by Blackbird Books to design the book cover for the latest book by Malaika Wa Azania (Confessions of a Born-Free), Corridors of Death: The Struggle to Exist in Historically White Institutions.

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